Why did you choose to study/intern abroad?
I've always loved traveling and interacting with people from different cultures. In 2017 I went backpacking across nine different countries in Europe with my older sister. I absolutely fell in love with the rich history, architecture, and scenery of each city. Venice, Copenhagen, and the countrysides of Ireland and Portugal were definitely my favorite destinations. Ever since that trip, I made it my mission to study abroad because traveling is the one thing that truly excites me. I am nervous but enthusiastic about sharpening my language skills in Spain! It's definitely the experience of a lifetime!
Why did you choose your study/intern city?
I've been to Barcelona twice and visited a small Spanish beach town on the Costa Brava called Blanes. I highly recommend visiting as there are private coves and crystal clear water! As wonderful as those places were, I didn't truly feel like I experienced Spain because of their Catalan influences. I knew that Madrid would be a superior choice for my study abroad because I could better utilize my Spanish-speaking skills. Believe it or not, the Netflix shows "La Casa de Papel" and "Élite" also influenced my decision! I was absolutely drawn to Madrid.
What are you most looking forward to during your abroad experience?
As mentioned, I've always loved different cultures. I am looking forward to making friends from all over! When my mom was in high school, an exchange student from Italy stayed with her, and to this day, they are still best friends. I will be seeking friendships like that. Additionally, I am also looking forward to taking weekend trips to Rome and Zurich. They've been on my bucket list for years and I have to go while I'm only a two-hour flight away... gotta love those cheap RyanAir flights! I've always said that if the US had a similar airline I'd be gone every weekend exploring new places :-)
Fun Fact (hobbies, interests, accomplishment, etc.)?
In high school, I participated in a photography club and some of my photos went on to win state. Throughout college though, my passion has declined. I love street style and landscape photography the most, and my inspiration often fails when it feels that I've seen all of my city already, hah. While in Madrid, I know that the city will reignite the creative spark in me. I'm excited to discover some new muses. Also during the peak of the pandemic in summer 2020, I lost my job as many others did too. To earn some extra cash, I started a neighborhood business selling charcuterie boards. They are a huge success! People can definitely tell that making boards isn't just a job for me; it's a creative outlet. I love taking inspiration from Spanish and Italian dishes and creating charcuterie boards with unique designs and holiday themes.