What's a "must-pack" for study abroad? How are classes different than back home? Is this city "the one" for me?
Chances are, at some point during your study abroad planning journey, these questions have popped into your head. And a million other ones--and that's completely normal!
To help answer all of your study abroad questions (and offer you a trip down memory lane for CEA alumni!), we're excited to introduce CEA's brand new group of Fall Mobile Journalists (MOJOs). From Eric and Kevin who have already been in Buenos Aires for months (yup, semesters are a little different there), to Brooke who just arrived in Aix-en-Provence, we're excited to have these soon-to-be study abroad pros sharing tales from life abroad so that you know what to expect. Have a question they haven't covered? Let us know!
(p.s. Are you a Spring CEA student? Applications are now being accepted for Spring 2016 CEA MOJOs! Apply through October 16!)
Meet the Fall MOJO team!