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Study Abroad Blog

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Meet the Spring 2022 CEA Mobile Journalist Team!

February 17, 2022
by CEA CAPA Content Creator
The Spring 2022 Mobile Journalists

We're excited to introduce our newest group of Mobile Journalists (MOJOs)! As these CEA Bloggers, Photographers and Videographers embark on their journeys abroad this semester, be sure to follow their content on the MOJO Blog, as well as on CEA's social media channels (Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter).  


Seville, Spain Rose Alexander

Rose Alexander, MOJO Photographer

University of Massachusetts

I have been traveling around the world with my parents since I was two months old. My mum is from England and we always travel around Europe. However, I have never gotten the opportunity to live there myself for a long period of time and I finally am able to do so. My Mum has always said to me growing up "Have the time of your life" and I definitely will on my adventures studying abroad. I wanted to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to live in another country and expand my cultural and professional understandings outside of the United States.

Cynthia Talamo

Alicante, Spain

Cynthia Talamo, MOJO Blogger

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 

I've always wanted to study abroad in Spain, and I like the fact that Alicante is smaller than Barcelona and Madrid, so it provides more opportunities to practice Spanish. Alicante is also near beautiful beaches with access to hiking trails and interesting architecture

Nish Chowdhury

Barcelona, Spain

Nish Chowdhury, MOJO Blogger

Syracuse University

I've always wanted to go to Barcelona since my first Spanish class in high school, but my main motive for studying abroad is experiencing a country and culture different from my own and use those experiences to reflect on how I grew as a person and what more I have to improve on.

Barcelona, Spain

Lily Fox

Lily Fox, MOJO Photographer

Iowa State University

I’ve always loved to travel and made it a top priority for me when I started college. I love seeing new things and experiencing new cultures! I chose Barcelona to study abroad in as they have a program for my major. It was also a perfect fit for me as I am minoring in Spanish and Spain is the perfect place for me to practice and improve upon the language.

Prague, Czech Republic

Brittany Licitra

Brittany Licitra, MOJO Photographer

University of San Diego

I think it is very important to get a global perspective and push yourself out of your comfort zone, which is why I choose to study abroad. I choose to study abroad in Prague in the Czech Republic because of how beautiful it is. I have wanted to go to Prague since my freshmen year of college because I was inspired by friends of mine that went to Prague. It also is a more unique place to study abroad which means that you get a different experience from others.

Aix-en-Provence, France

Kyra Sikorski

Kyra Sikorski, MOJO Blogger

Winthrop University

Aix felt like a good place to be. It reminded me of a college town in the US, plus the area is beautiful!. I am looking forward to learning new cultural aspects of the French culture, trying new things, and exploring Aix!

Madrid, Spain

Kimberly Benites-Tamayo

Kimberly Benites-Tamayo, MOJO Photographer

Fort Hays State University

I have always wanted to go to Spain, aside from always wanting to visit I speak and understand the language and because of that I think my experience will be amazing and getting around the area will be so much easier. I heard that Spain has eye thrilling and amazing views as well as great food! I typically don't hear much about Spain and so this also made me curious about wanting to learn and know more about this country. 

Paris, France

Emily Counts

Emily Counts, MOJO Blogger 

Nebraska Wesleyan University

I think that experiencing people, places, and cultures that differ from what we have grown up around is the key to understanding and growing our empathy for others. I knew studying and interning abroad would be an invaluable experience that would allow my to grow both independently and collaboratively. I have been studying French and France for nine years in school, but nothing can substitute real-world experience. I came to Paris because I knew it was a vibrant, diverse city with fantastic artistic inspiration and many opportunities to practice my French. Additionally, being located in the city allowed me easy access to various opportunities and resources I might not have gotten in a smaller French town.

Florence, Italy

Addysen DiMatteo

Addysen DiMatteo, MOJO Photographer

Houghton College

After having my whole college experience be during COVID I wanted a new experience. I am using this study abroad experience to find myself and the person I have always wanted to be. I have always dreamed of coming to Italy because my family is from there. I chose Florence because I truly think it is the most beautiful city.

Prague, Czech Republic

Kathryn Hilt

Kathryn Hilt, MOJO Blogger

University of Iowa

I wanted to push myself past my comfort zone of the Midwest. I think it’s increasingly important to become a global citizen in this age of technology; and the best place to gain new perspectives is immersion in someone else’s culture. I’m also looking to gain confidence in traveling to places where I may not speak the same language, or eat the same food. Prague is centrally located in Europe, so all of the other cities and countries I’m hoping to visit are only a few hours away via plane, train, or bus. Prague looks like it came straight out of a storybook, and I’m looking forward to learning the deep history surrounding this country.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Faith Patenaude

Faith Patenaude, MOJO Blogger

Providence College

I have always been intrigued by the city of Amsterdam. After hearing all the amazing experiences people I am close to have had there, I knew that was the city I wanted to make my home during my study abroad. It has so much beauty and is more of a unique place to study, so I just had a feeling that it would be the perfect location. I am most excited to immerse myself in the culture of the city and experience all that the Netherlands has to offer. I am also super excited to get to ride bicycles around the city!

Budapest, Hungary

Merci Stumpf

Mercedez Stumpf, MOJO Photographer

Ithaca College

I wanted to study abroad to see more of the world and also to connect with my roots! My family and I are all from Hungary and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get to know my home better. Budapest is where I spent the first 11 years of my life, so I thought coming back at 21 and truly immersing myself in what it is like to live there would be a perfect way to rediscover who I am. Hungary is also such a beautiful place with so much to offer and I want to be able to showcase that to my American friends and family.

Barcelona, Spain

Ehtan O'RourkeEthan O'Rourke, MOJO Videographer

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

I'm looking forward to making friends and traveling and sharing my experiences. Barcelona sounds like a fun and historical place to study!

Rome, Italy

Matthew SpiegelMatthew Spiegel, MOJO Photographer

Bentley University

I chose to study abroad because I wanted to gain expand my perspective on the world and grow personally while making meaningful friendships and exploring Europe. I also wanted to get out of my comfort zone and experience the world! I chose Rome because I wanted to live directly in one of the world's most famous and oldest cities and become immersed in the Italian language and culture. I am a 4 minute walk to the Vatican City, 15 minutes to the Trevi Fountain, and a short train ride away from Florence, Tuscany, Milan, etc.!

Barcelona, Spain

Gina FreniGina Freni, MOJO Photographer

Syracuse University 

I chose to study abroad because I always dreamed of having the study abroad experience even before I committed to Syracuse University. I have not explored much of Europe before and I always wanted to come to Spain. I chose to come to Barcelona because the cosmopolitan city life excited me. Barcelona has so much to do, I love how it is near the beach and city life. I am majoring in Communications & Rhetorical Studies and I am minoring in Spanish and Barcelona happened to be the perfect option for my academics. It checked all of the boxes for what I wanted in a destination!

Paris, France

Leah Currie

Leah Currie, MOJO Photographer

University of Delaware

I am fortunate enough to have grown up in a family that encouraged and emphasized the importance of traveling. Therefore, studying abroad has been a highly anticipated part of my college experience. I view studying abroad as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience life outside of the U.S and to become a more well-rounded, culturally aware individual. As someone who discovered a love for fashion at an early age, Paris has always been synonymous with that passion. I wanted to immerse myself in the culture that inspired so many esteemed fashion designers and is home to some of the most influential fashion houses. Aside from fashion, I wanted to be in a city that would challenge my perception of the world and take me out of my comfort zone. Paris is very different from the suburban areas I'm accustomed to, and my limited French makes it even more so. That said, I hope to emerge from this experience inspired and with a more worldly perspective.

Madrid, Spain

Aubrey CovinoAubrey Covino, MOJO Photographer

Texas A&M University 

I've always loved traveling and interacting with people from different cultures. In 2017 I went backpacking across nine different countries in Europe with my older sister. I absolutely fell in love with the rich history, architecture, and scenery of each city. Venice, Copenhagen, and the countrysides of Ireland and Portugal were definitely my favorite destinations. Ever since that trip, I made it my mission to study abroad because traveling is the one thing that truly excites me. I am nervous but enthusiastic about sharpening my language skills in Spain! It's definitely the experience of a lifetime!

Paris, France 

Onaedo OkoyeOnaedo Okoye, MOJO Photographer

University of Delaware

I chose to study abroad because I believe that traveling enriches one’s university experience in its ability to catalyze self-discovery and enables global citizenship to mobilize students to successfully advocate for and understand diverse groups of people. Paris has always drawn me in, whether it be its art, gastronomy, language, or architecture. However, above all, what interests me is the magnitude of the African diaspora that resides in Paris. As an international relations major whose regional specialty is Africa, I hope to further my understanding of the cultural dynamics between France and Francophone African countries as well as challenge my French language skills.

Paris, France

Isabel YuIsabel Yu, MOJO Videographer

University of Delaware

I chose to study in Paris this semester because it has always been a city that was high up on my bucket list. I also knew I would be looking to take some art and history courses to fulfill requirements at my home university. Paris quickly became the best option to do so while fully immersing myself in the topics I will be learning in class and getting the opportunity to see so many exhibits in person!

French Riviera, France

Matthew LouisMatthew Louis, MOJO Videographer

Marist College

I decided to study abroad to reinvent myself. Put myself in a situation where I come back as a better-versed person. Where I can face all of my challenges alone and prove to myself how much I can accomplish on my own. At first, I was scared and alone but I'm starting to realize becoming independent isn't such a bad thing. It'll make you stronger in the end. I decided to go to the French Riviera because I wanted something completely opposite to what I'm used to. Antibes is the complete opposite of NYC. It's less work and more about enjoying life. It's a laid-back lifestyle to remind you that sometimes you have to remember to live a little.

Barcelona, Spain

Zoe MarreroZoe Marrero, MOJO Photographer

Syracuse University

I chose to study abroad because I believe that in order to fully experience life, you need to step outside of what you've known your whole life. I have never been to Europe and I've always dreamed of going to Barcelona. From the minute I saw pictures of it, I was compelled. I felt like I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't do everything in my power to go! There's a certain type of growth that comes with not only moving to another country, but also by doing so on your own, without your friends and family. You are forced to become your own "teacher" and student, as you learn with each mistake you make- all the while teaching yourself that no matter what the challenge is you will figure it out!

Rome, Italy

Shira Vilvovsky

Shira Vilovsky, MOJO Blogger

Bentley University 

I chose to study abroad to learn about different cultures and meet people of different mindsets. As a third culture American, my experiences with Russian and Israeli culture have shaped me, and I wanted to experience even more! I chose Rome because I wanted something with interesting history and beautiful architecture. I thought Italy was in general a great place as well because there is so much to see in such a small country.

Aix-en-Provence, France

Celine Fawaz

Celine Fawaz, MOJO Videographer

Soka University of America

I chose to study abroad because I wanted to become more competent in my target language as well as immerse myself in the culture. I heard Aix was a beautiful, small yet vibrant city, something out of a postcard. All descriptions were accurate!

Prague, Czech Republic

Kathryn Yellin, MOJO Blogger   Kathryn Yellin

Chapman University

I wanted a chance to immerse myself into another culture and gain a more global perspective. I had heard so much about Prague and the Czech Republic. I wanted to go somewhere I haven't been before, and experience a culture that is far different than mine as compared to Western Europe. Prague is such a beautiful place and I can't wait to learn more about it once I'm there!

Paris, France

Maurita Jeffery, MOJO Photographer Maurita Jeffery
Marist College

I chose to study abroad because I wanted to experience life in a different culture. I have traveled to Paris before and while learning the language since 7th grade I always wanted to come back and live in Paris for longer than a week. I love to travel also, so the idea of being so close to many countries was exciting.

Madrid, Spain

Stefanie Reineke, MOJO PhotographerStefanie Reineke

University of Massachusetts

I always knew that studying in another country would allow me to grow as a person and within my career as well. For me, it is a given that I look for opportunities that make me a bit uncomfortable at first but will lead to self growth.

Paris, Francee

Ariana Britto, MOJO Blogger  Ariana Britto_2

University of Florida

For me, it was never a matter of choosing if I wanted to study abroad, it was deciding where I would go. My mom has instilled in me a love for travel since I was little, and through the years I have found how much it has shaped me into who I am today. I chose to study abroad for everything it would teach me, and allow me to grow. I am excited about the coming adventures and memories throughout my time abroad.

Paris, France

Colin Steele, MOJO PhotographerColin Steele

University of  Delaware

I chose to study abroad because I knew it would be an amazing opportunity to learn about new cultures and make new connections along the way. The CEA study abroad program had a lot to offer so I knew I couldn't let this opportunity go to waste.


Seville, Spain

Michael Young, MOJO PhotographerMichael Young

Bradley University

I have always loved traveling and experiencing new cultures, which has led to me pursing a double major in international business and Spanish. This CEA trip to Spain allowed me to engulf myself in Spanish life while also giving me a taste of the marketing world abroad through my internship program. Here, I get the best of both worlds—personal and professional experiences.

Prague, Czech Republic

Meghan McLoughlin, MOJO BloggerMeghan McLoughlin

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
I have always wanted to study abroad in college because I thought it would be such a unique opportunity to meet people and experience things that are not otherwise possible with the typical budget and time constraints of a college student. I wanted to meet people from all over the world and experience college life outside of the US, as well as see how cultural differences were reflected in my classes.

Paris, France

Kaitlyn Hunt, MOJO PhotographerKaitlyn Hunt

University of Mississippi

Paris, France

Hattie Foster, MOJO Blogger

University of Utah

I chose Paris as it is the fashion capital of the world. I wanted to constantly be inspired both in the classroom and on the streets. I have also been to Paris before, and like so many other people, I instantly fell in love with the city.

Prague, Czech Republic

Riley Ruegemer, MOJO Photographer

Iowa State University

I have always loved traveling and experiencing new cultures, which has led to me pursing a double major in international business and Spanish. This CEA trip to Spain allowed me to engulf myself in Spanish life while also giving me a taste of the marketing world abroad through my internship program. Here, I get the best of both worlds—personal and professional experiences.

Read more about our CEA CAPA Content Creators.
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