Where do I even start when reflecting on my abroad experience? One thing I know is that time FLEW by. I came into this experience with a few goals in mind. I wanted to make new friends, travel around Europe, and learn as much as I could about Barcelona. After these past three and a half months, I am confident in saying all of these goals have been accomplished.
This is the view after a mile long hike up Montserrat in Spain! |
This picture is from inside the monastery on Montserrat. |
This experience would not have been half as good if I didn’t have such great roommates. Kristi, Luci, and Hannah will be my friends forever. We had so much fun living and traveling Europe together. You know someone will be your friend forever if you can make it through the stress of day to day life, let alone the stress of traveling and all the mishaps that come along.
I took this picture of two of my roommates and some friends who were visiting. We went to Park Guell and some of my favorite restaurants during this weekend. |
Who else can say they traveled to nine countries in three and a half months? I am truly blessed that this was something I was able to do. My friends and I made it to France, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, the Czech Republic, Portugal, and of course Spain. When people ask me what my favorite trip is, I find it so hard to answer, because each place is unique and amazing. What I can say is that this is not the last time I will come to Europe. I have found a new love in traveling with just a backpack, a couple friends, and a little bit of cash.
This is a picture of my roommate, Hannah, and me with a great view of Barcelona in the background. |
I have learned so much through my experiences abroad. When I go home, I know I’ll be “that girl” who is always talking about “that one semester when I went abroad”. You learn so much about yourself when you take on a new continent all by yourself. You learn what you miss about home, what you hate about Americans, what Europeans think about you, and so much more. I will truly have a new perspective on life when I return home to the United States.
The cathedral in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona is so beautiful. I will miss this view when I go back to the US! |
Thank you to the Spaniards who have taught me to live in the moment, not count calories, and keep my nose out of my phone all day. Adios, amigos! I’ll be back soon.
Julia D. is the Spring 2018 MOJO Blogger in Barcelona, Spain. She is currently a Junior studying Marketing & Finance at Iowa State University.