One of the many advantages of living in Trastevere is the restaurants. You will pass several on any street, with people eating any time of day. We try a new restaurant as much as we can, and quite frankly, haven’t really been disappointed yet. But there are a few worth mentioning that my friends and I have trouble staying away from!

First and foremost, I have to tell you about the best restaurant in Trastevere, and arguably all of Rome. It’s called Hostaria Del Moro Ristorante di Tony, or as my friends and I simply call it, Tony’s. They have the best penne alla vodka in the world. It’s actually life changing, and I’m not sure how I will handle the adjustment to any American version of this in December. Something about the sauce is just spot on. They also have amazing fettecini alla pesto and chicken parm. We eat here at least once a week, and no matter how hard we try to stay away it never works. We always take our parents and friends here when they visit. It’s the perfect excuse to go!
You can find delicious pizza and pasta almost anywhere. But after walking around the neighborhood for the past two months, I actually was able to find a place with New York bagels! Ristornate Alle Fratte Di Trastevere makes them fresh on Saturdays and Sundays.
They’re actually really good! They have all sorts of flavors like you could find at home. And just because they’re good at making bagels doesn’t mean they aren’t at pasta and pizza! They have amazing spaghetti Bolognese and mouth-watering pizza. This place is right around the corner from my apartment. It’s convenient because we can pop in for something quick or sit down and eat a nice relaxing dinner outside. Any night of the week this place is busy, we almost always have to wait a few minutes for a table!

Now of course… gelato. You’re basically never more than a 3 minute walk from a gelato shop in Rome. In Prati, across from the CEA Global Campus, is my favorite. Gelati Gelati is 20 meters from CEA campus, so I go every Thursday during my break for my marathon Business Ethics class. It helps make the time pass! I’m pretty much a regular, and the guy knows my order of Frutta di Bosco (something along the lines of a wild berry flavor), and the chocolate chip or the mint chocolate chip, depending on my mood. The right balance of fruitiness and chocolate! Pefecto.
Now, if you like canolis, Ciuri Ciuri in Trastevere has them the size of your head. But the ultimate treat in Trastevere, or my all time favorite, is the Nutella Calzone at Dar Poeta. Yes, that savory idea of perfection does actually exist in Rome. It’s filled with warm, melted nutella and ricotta cheese. At first I thought the ricotta cheese might be a weird mix, but no, no it’s not. It’s delicious. Just as with all these other meals and treats, you must see for yourself!

Haley Bryan is the Fall 2013 CEA MOJO in Rome, Italy. She is currently a junior at Providence College.

Haley Bryan is the Fall 2013 CEA MOJO in Rome, Italy. She is currently a junior at Providence College.