London has always been a city I’ve fantasized about exploring, not only recreationally but academically. I grew up in Canton Georgia, a small town in the suburbs of Atlanta. Everyday, I found myself driving down the same roads in the same areas, which ultimately drove my desire to expand my horizons. Canton was a wonderful environment that provided isolation and protection but not much in the way of art, music, and culture. However, over time I made my way to Atlanta and became familiar with its many worldly and artistic attributes. From this grew my deep longing to discover life in a cultural mecca. London more than fits the bill. My dream is to spend this Fall 2013 studying abroad in London so that I may gain a new and exciting perspective on life, art, and film.
My journey across the pond started off a little bittersweet. I had spent the entire summer in Seattle with my family. I worked with my mother at Pottery Barn Kids, as well as at Free People in order to make enough money to save and come here. Let me tell you, that this money is much needed. If you are reading this right now, if you are thinking about going out and buying tons of items for something you are only going to wear one time. STOP! Save your money, it will be worth it in the end. I can already tell that this experience is going to be well worth the money. I just have to spend it wisely. That said, make sure you do have enough supplies to keep you warm in this cold climate.
Words cannot describe how excited I am to be living here in London. When I got off the plane, I tried not to jade my first entrance into England by how tired and wacky I was feeling. Reality finally set in when I got to campus and walked into my halls of residence. Listening and talking to UK students was interesting and everyone was very sweet when helping me find where I needed to go to find my dorm. However, I was relieved when I found some fellow American students providing a sense of hominess and comfort.

London has already been documented with some monumental moments. I love that I get to share these monumental moments with you. Some I will, but others are for myself to keep. After only about a week and half here, I have met and created many friendships with tons of people from different parts of the world. I am now in London. Yes, I said it, London! A place I have always dreamed of living. So stay tuned if you are interested, and lets enjoy the ride.
Laura Koch - CEA MOJO in London