Seventeen intrepid P.C. students and I have arrived in Rome safe and sound and have already had our first class in the “New Testament in the Eternal City” course. Last week we had three intense days of orientation activities which included informational seminars, walking tours, and hands on training for living daily life in Rome. After a free weekend to finish unpacking, find the grocery store, and learn the bus routes, we began classes today at the new CEA center.

The CEA Rome staff has worked hard to make this “new chapter of their existence” near Piazza Cavour a reality. Their entire base of operations was moved completely across Rome only two weeks ago. The new Center is bright, homey, and much more centrally located so that shops, services, restaurants, and historical monuments are all within easy reach. This morning we were welcomed with open arms and even more practical information to make our Fall semester in Rome run smoothly.

Today in class the students were brimming over with impressions, ideas, and stories of their first week in Rome. Here are a few of them:

“The most impressive sights I’ve seen so far are definitely the basilicas and other amazing works of architecture. The buildings look beautiful from the outside – and are even more impressive on the inside with enormous statues and frescoes!” – Dan Gagnon
Lauren McNulty said: “Rome is nothing like any American city I’ve ever seen. One minute, my friends and I would be shopping or getting gelato, then we would turn a corner and realize that among these modern buildings are these amazing historical places! It’s really cool how integrated the city is!”
Perhaps Jason DeNicola speaks for many of us when he says:
“I’ve learned in just the past few days that Rome was a great choice for me. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to experience a city that has played such a huge part in history and of course the Church. The nightlife is great and the food is amazing! Can’t wait to spend an entire semester in the eternal city!”
And so the Rome PC/ CEA Fall 2013 semester is launched! New semester, new CEA Center location, new faculty resident director and new adventures galore! Viva Roma!
Dr. Aurelie Hagstrom is currently serving as the Providence College Faculty Resident Director for the Providence College & Center for Theology & Religious Studies. You can find the original version of her blog post on the 'Providence College in Rome' blog here:

The CEA Rome staff has worked hard to make this “new chapter of their existence” near Piazza Cavour a reality. Their entire base of operations was moved completely across Rome only two weeks ago. The new Center is bright, homey, and much more centrally located so that shops, services, restaurants, and historical monuments are all within easy reach. This morning we were welcomed with open arms and even more practical information to make our Fall semester in Rome run smoothly.

Today in class the students were brimming over with impressions, ideas, and stories of their first week in Rome. Here are a few of them:

“The most impressive sights I’ve seen so far are definitely the basilicas and other amazing works of architecture. The buildings look beautiful from the outside – and are even more impressive on the inside with enormous statues and frescoes!” – Dan Gagnon
Lauren McNulty said: “Rome is nothing like any American city I’ve ever seen. One minute, my friends and I would be shopping or getting gelato, then we would turn a corner and realize that among these modern buildings are these amazing historical places! It’s really cool how integrated the city is!”

“I’ve learned in just the past few days that Rome was a great choice for me. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to experience a city that has played such a huge part in history and of course the Church. The nightlife is great and the food is amazing! Can’t wait to spend an entire semester in the eternal city!”
And so the Rome PC/ CEA Fall 2013 semester is launched! New semester, new CEA Center location, new faculty resident director and new adventures galore! Viva Roma!
Dr. Aurelie Hagstrom is currently serving as the Providence College Faculty Resident Director for the Providence College & Center for Theology & Religious Studies. You can find the original version of her blog post on the 'Providence College in Rome' blog here: