Every semester CEA plans excursions, either to other cities within your program country, or to cities outside of your program country. Through the Prague, Czech Republic program, one of the planned excursions is to Kraków, Poland, which is located just north of the Czech Republic. The CEA students and some staff hopped on a bus and drove up to Kraków for an extended weekend trip (Thursday to Sunday). Below are a few examples of some of the things that we saw and did while on our CEA excursion!

St. Andrew's Church-oldest church in Krakow

St. Mary's Basilica-Local firefighters play a trumpet out the window daily

"The Head"-part of the group in the town centre by the famous "Head"

Salt Mines-Underground chapel sculpted from salt

Train tracks leading up to Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps

Rose placed on sleeping quarters, in memory of Holocaust victims-Auschwitz-Birkenau

Schindler Factory-Oskar Schindler saved over 1,000 Jews during the Holocaust

Jewish Synagogue located in the old Jewish ghetto

Part of the group with our tour guide for the weekend, Marta, in the old Jewish ghetto
Jenna Kerr is the Spring 2013 CEA MOJO in Prague, Czech Republic