For my last excursion with CEA London, we went to visit Oxford one Saturday! I'm so sad our CEA trips are over, but I had a lot of fun at Oxford. Here are some pictures from the trip!

Oxford University's Bodleian Library
The streets in Oxford are so collegiate looking!
The lawn that inspired Alice in Wonderland. You're NEVER allowed to step on it!
Friends and I outside of New College. Oxford is made up of many different colleges based on topic of study.

Amazing stained glass windows inside of Christ's Church, Oxford's own campus church.
Inside the dining hall that inspired JK Rowling's dining hall in the Harry Potter series!

With our on-site CEA program coordinator. We love her!
My friends in the dining hall. It was super crowded with everyone taking pictures!
Friends and I in one of the cloisters that Harry Potter is shown walking through in The Goblet of Fire.
The tree from Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire where Draco Malfoy was turned into a ferret!
My friends and I all had a great day in Oxford!
Cailin Burke is the CEA MOJO in London for the Spring 2013 semester