Despite Le Grand Froid of 2012, CEA Paris students were raring to go on Saturday, 04 February for the Mystery Tour of Spring semester!
Mystery Tour Stats:
Rendez-vous: Gard du Nord train station
Time: 7:00am (yowza!)
Who: 70 CEA Paris students + Hélène and Elisabeth from the Paris Student Services team.
Where: ??????????????
Perhaps a few clues will help you discover their final destination...

There were gaufres (waffles!) with enormous spoonfuls of whipped cream...
(Here's Hélène eating hers, with Elisabeth's gaufre just under the camera's nose :-) )

Chocolate was a must-have for tout le monde...this town is the Chocolate Capital of the World!

Bienvenue à Bruges ladies and gents!

For CEA students who had never experienced snow before, snow angels were de rigeur...

Chocolate was a must-have for tout le monde...this town is the Chocolate Capital of the World!

And bien sur, il faisait HYPER froid!!! (It was super cold!) Check out one of the frozen canals.
Waffles, chocolate, canals, snow...

Bienvenue à Bruges ladies and gents!
Yes, that's that quaint little town in Belgium, known as the "Venice of the North" due to the many canals that run through the city. After a short train ride, students had some time to explore the beautiful city of Bruges, which is the largest city in the province of West Flanders, located in the Flemish region of Belgium. A new language was ringing in our CEA Paris students' ears - Flemish! Exploration of the medieval architecture in the city's center, as well as all of the amazingly delicious Belgian specialties were on the agenda. A piping hot lunch was served at one of the last breweries of Bruges, De Halve Mann (the half moon), where students thawed out over local fare. While it was too cold for the horse and buggy tours that generally clippity-clop through the town, that didn't stop CEA students from getting to know this unique UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Their food-filled day in the cold of Bruges ended with a crash course in How To Manage Winter Transportation Challenges 101 - but they made it back to Paris (phew!), safe and sound, with some astuces for their future study abroad travel adventures...and some tasty Belgian chocolate for the rest of the week.