It may have been only 3° Celsius, but that didn't stop CEA Paris students from venturing to Fontainebleau for the day. The rendezvous was set for 8:45am at the Gare de Lyon (just enough time to grab a pain au chocolat and a café and jump on le train!). A hike through the Fontainebleau forest was first on the list - just the thing to warm everyone up (it was a cooooold morning). After two hours of chestnut-finding and hiding from mountain lions (we kid, we kid), CEA Paris students were ready for their hearty déjeuner in the centre ville.
On the menu:
- une salade au chevre chaud
- une escalope de dinde à la Normande
- une tarte aux pommes
Basically - délicieux... especially after the Big Hike of 2011.

Les ventres pleins, their esprits d'aventuriers returned and they were off for more Fontainebleau exploration...

Everyone was on their best behavior for the Château visit, bien sur...
Some ventured to the mushroom and lichen fair, others paddled boats in the Château pond, and those who needed some rest and relaxation took in the beauté of the surrounding gardens.

Unfortunately, Brett still seemed to be worried about that whole mountain lion thing...
Guys, uhh guys...
CEA Paris Fall 2011 student, Brett Lange