Enroll in 1 CEA Core course focused on language or cultural studies, 2-3 CEA courses and 1-2 UVic-UCC courses. You can also opt for an internship with an entrepreneurship-focused placement (see below for further details regarding the internship).
Courses meet for 45 contact hours/3 credits per semester. Overall, you may earn a total of 12-16 credits (up to 240 contact hours). Typically, courses meet twice per week, Monday-Thursday. Active learning components required by your courses may be scheduled for Fridays.
Prior to departure, you will select your preferred courses and take an online language placement exam. You will be enrolled into courses based on their availability. It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. If you choose to take a Spanish language or elective course, to ensure that you receive credit for the language level you place into, have your home university pre-approve courses at several levels before you leave for Spain. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.
If you selected the internship option, you will take the Global Internship Course alongside your internship placement. This professional development course is designed to accompany your placement so you can make the most of your internship abroad. You will learn how to understand and articulate the value of your internship through the lens of
NACE Career Readiness Competencies that employers crave, which will help you stand out to future employers and graduate schools. You will also engage in live cultural discussions that will enhance your global perspective and intercultural awareness between your program location and the U.S. The course comprises of reading, writing, and verbal assignments, including building an e-portfolio, completing mock interviews, developing your online professional presence, giving a final presentation, conducting industry field research work, and more. You can also take advantage of additional CEA CAPA mentoring and career preparation workshops to complement what you learn in the course.
Internship Credit - Fall 2023:
The 3-6 variable credit internship option includes the required online hybrid course and a minimum of 120 hours at your internship placement. The course has been designed to help you make the most of your internship and launch your transition to professional with the refined and strengthened career skills employers are craving. The course features one hour of face-to-face coaching sessions per week during your internship and includes additional self-directed course content, activities and assignments equivalent to about 30-40 hours total.
Internship Credit - Spring 2024:
You will receive academic credit for your internship abroad via the Global Internship Course and your performance at your internship placement. You can enroll in the course for 3 or 6 credits based on your unique needs and preferences. Whether you enroll in 3 or 6 credits, you will complete 20 hours per week (240 hours total) at your internship placement. The differentiation in the number of credits you choose will come from the amount of coursework and contact hours in the Global Internship Course. Unlike the 3-credit course, for the 6-credit course you will complete an additional robust industry field research project.
- 3 credits: minimum 240 placement hours (20 hours per week) + Global Internship Course (22.5 contact hours / one hour per week)
- 6 credits: minimum 240 placement hours (20 hours per week) + Global Internship Course (45 contact hours / two hours per week)
You will choose the number of credits you would like to enroll in for the Global Internship Course during the Internship Placement Process.
NACE-Certified Career Coaching & Internship Placement Process
Once you’ve submitted your application and required documents for your internship program, your career development adventure will begin! You will be assigned your very own NACE-Certified Career Coach, who will work with you one-on-one throughout pre-departure to guide you through the steps and deadlines of our Internship Placement Process. Your Coach will be your main point of contact for your internship prior to your departure. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have, and will also provide you with personalized career coaching, as needed, so you are set up for success for your internship abroad.
In addition to working with your Career Coach, during the Internship Placement Process you will engage with your In-Country International Internship Coordinator in your location and your potential host site supervisor. Your International Internship Coordinator will draw from your application materials to source and match you with a personalized internship placement that best aligns with your unique experience, skills, career interests, and goals for your internship abroad. Please also note, your host site supervisor will retain the final decision on the finalization of your placement, so it’s important to approach your interview with your host site supervisor with maturity, adaptability, curiosity, and commitment to both your career interests and the host organization.