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Hiking in Spain: Cova Tallada

June 06, 2017
by Alvaro Sánchez
One of the many things I really enjoyed about Alicante, Spain was definitely taking beautiful hikes to appreciate my surroundings. Back home in El Paso, it’s a dry desert landscape with cacti and limited access to flowers. So it is a refreshing change of view in Cova Tallada; certainly amazing.
 The nature around me
 Rock Climbing

Our hike in Cova Tallada started off with a slightly less amazing pathway, but as we got to the edge, it was worth it, there was a beautiful view to the ocean. Then it was time for breakfast: tuna sandwiches and chips with some water; nothing fancy, but definitely satisfying. All while taking in sound of the waves. Soothing.
 Blue Mediterranean

Once everyone was done, we made our way to start the hike. The difficulty of the trail would change constantly, keeping us on our toes. The goal: to reach the sea. We finally reached the steps to get closer to the shore.
 Stairs to the sea

We couldn't get right to the shore due to the cliffs and strong waves, but the views were amazing. We stayed there for a few minutes to take in the sea breeze. I could have stayed there all day.
 The sea is mesmerizing

Then the hard part came: back up the hill. Once we reached the top, the field allowed us to enjoy the flowers and fog that was just rolling in. It looked like a scene out of a suspense movie. After another 15-20 minute walk, we were greeted with a beautiful view of the city, it was incredible.

Victoria N. is a Spring 2017 student in Alicante, Spain. She is currently a junior studying Health Sciences at University of Texas.

Alvaro Sánchez is the Program Director.
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